Eggs! They can be a complete meal unto themselves or used in a myriad of different ways from breakfast to dessert. I must confess I have a weakness for eggs- especially when turned into a fluffy golden Omelette. Eggs are the simplest and best to reach out to, whether – the morning rush hour, a simple mid-day meal accompaniment or just that craving for a sunny side-up breakfast They come in their own container, they are delicious and plus they are golden! Pamper yourself with this sumptuous and scrumptious Cream ‘n (softly caramelized) Onion Omelette. Use Olive oil for the cooking- if you want it healthier or use butter – if you love it richer!
You may also like to have a look at ‘fluffy tips’, shared just below the method, for a soft and fluffy omelette.
- 3-4 cloves of Garlic- crushed lightly
- 1 large onion – sliced round
- 2-3 tsp Fresh cream
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- 2 Eggs
- 4 tbsp of Milk
- Olive oil/vegetable oil/butter
- Heat oil in a pan. Add sliced onion rings and sauté until they are soft and slightly caramelized. Add the garlic and sauté well.
- Then add the fresh cream and stir continuously. Ensure not to burn the cream.
- The cream should reduce slightly and get mixed well with the onions and garlic.
- Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
- Clean the pan and return to flame with little oil.
- Beat the 2 eggs well in two separate bowls. Whisk the eggs well and add 2 tbsp of milk in each bowl respectively, whisk well again for few minutes.
- Now gently pour the whipped egg into the pan and while doing this tilt the pan so that the egg (liquid) spreads well on all sides.
- When the bottom sets but the top is still moist, add the cream-onion and garlic mix on the top portion of the omelette.
- Now flip over one side of the omelette over the other to enclose. Slide onto a plate.
- Repeat with the remaining egg and cream ‘n onion mixture.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2
Fluffy tips:
- To make the omelette fluffy and soft – Whisk the egg well and don’t forget to add the milk.
- While cooking cover the pan with a lid (which has a knob on top) and cook for few minutes on slow flame. Remove lid in time to flip the omelette over to one side so as to enclose, ensure not to burn the omelette.
- Since cooked with lid there is no need to flip the omelette on the other side.