Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Lentil & Carrot soup



My mom had her ways to get health bits in our junk stomachs. When I was young, I absolutely despised carrots. Of course that’s not the only thing I despised back then amongst vegetables, but carrots rated very high on my “Not-To_Eat” list.

And since I loved lentils, my mum got a very easy way to make me have carrots without my notice. How clever. Mom’s I tell you always get their ways to make you do things.

But coming to think of it now, I love this soup. It is so healthy and doesn’t taste like a health food at all: the very criteria that eggs me to slurrp on it. Plus, in these chilly months, this soup is a blessing!

Here’s the recipe:



Dunk everything in a pressure cooker and let it cook for 5-7 whistles.

Cool, blend in a blender and serve with butter

Bon Appetit!



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