Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes


Did you know that in Japan soy milk is consumed more than cow’s milk? In fact, Tonyu is a drink made from soy beans are widely used in Japan as a cow milk alternative, which is also great source of protein and fiber.Tonyu contain isoflavones and its unfortified version is extremely low calorie and doesn’t contain any cholesterol, making it a healthy drink for all times!

You can make your own Tonyu at home by soaking soya beans in water and grinding them. The measurements should be 125 grams of whole soya beans for 1 litre of soya milk.

Soak them over night, Clean the beans, microwave for 2-3 minute while soaked to get rid of the beany flavor and grind with a litre of water in the blender. Strain it through muslin and collect your soya milk. Boil, add a little salt and consume.

For more great soya milk recipes, visit

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