Every part of the mango is beneficial –the leaves, the bark, the skin, the seed etc. in India mango leaves are a must during festive occasions.
The mango contains –
-phenols which is an anti-oxidant and anti-cancerous
-low carbohydrates
-all four known anti-oxidants …vitamin A(betacarotene), vitamin E vitamin C and selenium which help to to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. It tones up the heart muscle.
The mango is said to be –
- Anti-viral
- Anti-parasitic
- Anti-septic
- Anti-tussive
- Anti-asthmatic
- Expectorant
- Cardio tonic
- Contraceptive
- Hypotensive
- Laxative
- Stomachic
- Aphrodisiac
- Ant-scorbutic
- Diuretic
A substance –mangiferin found in bark of the mango tree is believed to inhibit the growth of tumours.
The raw as well as the ripe mango is a very good tenderising agent. The raw mango powder is used both as a seasoning and a tenderising aid as well. Mango juice is not only prepared from ripe mangoes but a drink prepared with raw mangoes is a great restorer of energy during the hot summer days.
Pickles, jams, juices, marmalades are prepared with mangoes besides its role in various cuisines.