Celery- The secret formula to sound health!

A biennial plant in reality, Celery is one of the most common household staple diet. Celery has a crunchy texture and an amazingly distinctive flavour. Its blends perfectly with salads and cooked dishes. Belonging to the Apiaceae species that is linked to parsley, fennel, carrot and dill, it is available the whole year. However, the best time to consume it is in the summer season. The varieties are grown locally and found easily in many markets.

In the early 1856, a Scotsman by the name of Taylor grew celery for the first time. This happened in a place called Kalamazoo. People were amazed by this and the ones located at Burdick hotel were curious to find out more. To explore further, in 1866, a gardener named Cornelius De Bruyn came from Netherlands and ended up developing a modern kind of celery from the soup celery. The Dutch farmers did not stay far behind and in 1872 turned the Kalamazoo mucklands into vast celery fields. As this plant had medicinal values, a man named J.S. Dunkley made condiments and medicines from it and sold them. Kalamazoo celery became well known nationwide. After that there was no looking back!

  • Celery juice help stabilize body temperature and is also effective in removing bad breathe.
  • Celery is a kidney expert. It removes toxins from the bladder. While it is at its best in removing toxins, it also destroys the possible formation of kidney stones.
  • Get some celery to get out excess fluids in your body because celery helps in the regulation of body fluid and stimulates urine production.
  • It is at its best in the cure of stomach and colon cancer.
  • Celery replaces the lost electrolytes in your body and their rich mineral rehydrates your body.
  • Celery is an amazing relief for all inflammations. So no more of your problems with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.
  • Its natural laxatives are capable of putting off a nasty constipation.

Coupled with a wonderful taste, a perfect addition to salads and numerous health benefits, celery is a complete package! So go ahead and enjoy this gift from nature!

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