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Orange & Cinnamon Pie: A thanksgiving special


yet another Thanksgiving special, this recipe arose out of pure thankfulness and devotion towards good food! Here’s the story.

Once upon a time there was a food loving girl, in a small town of Foodsbury, who very happily on her way back from the market, saw some very orange orange and thought she’d give up on early morning tea cakes and replace her breakfast with whole fruits. As noble as her thoughts, her actions weren’t as the thought of orange juice simply triggered in her the urge to bake a pie at the strike of midnight.

Yes. That is the true story of this pie although the recipe is my mums. My oranges ended up being in a pie rather than as health drinks. blame it on the genes. Tch Tch.



For the filling:

Mix orange juice, vanilla and cake crumbles in a bowl and let it rest.

Assemble and bake:

Fill in the cake mixture in the pie crust and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Serve with ice cream or coffee.

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