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Puran Poli (Stuffed Sweet Indian Bread)

Puran Poli

As the name suggests, this is a kind of roti filled with sweet lentil pudding called Puran. The thought of this dish makes me hungry all over again after a full meal. I still remember the day when I had first eaten this dish at a friend’s place a few years ago. I kept eating these stuffed rotis one after the other and then was embarassed to realise that my friend’s mother had to prepare the dish again because I had finished everything. Well, don’t let that stop you from inviting me. I promise to behave 🙂 One can’t be blamed for overeating if he/she is served this yummy dish. I managed to get the recipe out from my friend’s mother and have been making it at home ever since. Here we go.


Puran Poli (Stuffed Sweet Indian Bread)



Simmer the flame and slowly cook the toor daal paste and chana daal paste, together. Add sugar or jaggery to taste (this is a sweet dish, so jaggery or sugar quantity should be atleast 1/4th size of the toor daal and chana daal paste, you can add more if you like it sweeter).

Cook the mixture on slow flame till the paste become thick enough to be able to make round balls from it once it cools down. Add a pinch of grated nutmeg powder, 1 tsp poppy seeds and ½ tsp cardamom powder to the paste. Mix it properly. This paste is called puran, which we have to use as stuffing in the roti, called poli.  Once it becomes thick enough, switch off the gas and let it cool down.

Once it cools down, we can make small, round-shaped balls from the puran. Similarly, take the wheat-flour dough mentioned above and make small round balls from the dough. Roll one ball of wheat flour into flat, round shape on a rolling board with a rolling pin, just like roti. Put the daal paste ball on one half side of the rolled wheat roti, cover it with the balance part of the roti. Roll this stuffed roti again very softly with the rolling pin. Cook it on tava (pan) on gas. Make brown spots on both the sides of the poli. This is called Puran poli.

This tastes best when served hot and with ghee applied on it. It can be served with vegetables, dahi curry, rice and salad.

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